Video listing


  • Type name: video-listing
  • Optional widget
  • Placement type: auto

Provides a list of videos from Youtube.


Title [optional]

Text title, will be inserted before the first video item.

Items [requred]

Array of video-items.

Title [required]

Video title text.

YoutubeVideoid [required]

Id of Youtube video, like j70AA9arThc.

Please do not include full Youtube video URL into this parameter.

DurationString [optional]

Video duration text string in human-readable time format, like MM:SS or HH:MM:SS or HHh MMm SSs etc.

JSON example

    "Type": "video-listing",
    "Id": "abcABC123",
    "Title": "Videos",
    "Items": [
            "Title": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
            "YoutubeVideoid": "j70AA9arThc",
            "DurationString": "14:45"

