

  • Type name: taxonomies
  • Optional widget
  • Placement types: fixed, auto

Provides categories or other taxonomies for the current page.


Design [required]

Supported values:

Value Description Demo
standard Home button not scrollable (if exists) small_preview
scrollable Home button scrollable (if exists) small_preview

Title [optional]

If not empty, this title text will be shown before the taxonomies list.

Image [optional]

Standard Image object structure add an image, that will be shown before taxonomies list.

TitleUrl [optional]

URL for Title and Image (if exists).

FixedPlacement [optional]

Placement name. See Fixed Placements for more information.

If undefined, the widget uses the auto placement logic.

CustomHTML [optional]

Any custom HTML code, that will be inserted above taxonomies list.

Items [required]

Array of items.

Title [required]

Title of taxonomy item.

Url [required]

Valid URL for the taxonomy item link. Can be absolute or relative.

JSON example

    "Type": "taxonomies",
    "Id": "abcABC123",
    "Design": "standard",
    "Title": "Categories",
    "TitleUrl": "/section-1/",
    "FixedPlacement": "BelowTitle",
    "Image": {
        "Src": "",
        "Width": 1500,
        "Height": 844,
        "Alt": "Alt text",
        "Caption": "Caption text"
    "CustomHTML": "<iframe src='' title='W3Schools Free Online Web Tutorials'></iframe>",
    "Items": [
            "Title": "Cars", 
            "Url": ""
            "Title": "Bikes", 
            "Url": ""

