

  • Type name: head
  • Required widget
  • Placement type: none
  • Must be present exactly 1 time

Special required widget that provides content from the <head></head> section of your site.

Please provide the complete head-code, the same as on the original page. Unsupported items, such as scripts, will be automatically removed by the Prism Server.


Property Required Default value Description
Url required - Current page URL.
Content required - Escaped code from <head></head> tags.

JSON example

    "Type": "head",
    "Id": "abcABC123",
    "Url": "https://yoursite.com/current/page/", 
    "Content": "<!-- Content from your <head></head> tag insert here: --> <title>Page title</title><link rel=\"icon\" href=\"https://yoursite.com/favicon.png\" sizes=\"32x32\" /> ..."