

  • Type name: article
  • Optional widget
  • Placement type: auto

Widget with the article content.

If you need to declare a page without article content (such as the Main page or a Category page), you can omit this widget.

The widget supports Fixed In-article Placements, so you can insert other widgets into this widget.


ArticleCreatedDate [optional]

Content creation date.

Format: ISO 8601.

ArticleModifiedDate [optional]

Content modified date.

Format: ISO 8601.

Taxonomies [optional]

A list of taxonomies related to current article.

Type [required]

Available types:

  • Category [default, recommended] - default built-in type, suitable in most cases.
  • %your own custom type% - you can declare your own custom type. Can be used for custom integrations.
Items [required]

Array of items.

Name [required]

Taxonomy name.

Default [required]

Boolean flag that set the current taxonomy as the default taxonomy. Used in recommendation algorithms: related articles, swipe or infinite scroll. Only one taxonomy can be set as default in the same type.

Image [optional]

Standard Image object structure to provide the main article image (Hero image).

Title [required]

Article title.

It will be inserted into the <h1></h1> tag.

Description [optional]

Article description text with HTML markup.

On the page will be inserted after article title.

Text [required]

Article full text with HTML markup.

Author [optional]

Standard Author object structure to provide author avatar.

JSON example

        "Type": "article",
        "Id": "abcABC123",
        "CreatedDate": "2020-08-03T12:36:26", 
        "ModifiedDate": "2020-08-03T12:36:26", 
        "Taxonomies": [{
            "Type": "Category",
            "Items": [{
                "Name": "Football",
                "Default": true
                "Name": "Basketball",
                "Default": false
        "Image": {
            "Src": "",
            "Width": 1500,
            "Height": 844,
            "Alt": "Alt text",
            "Caption": "Caption text",
            "Description": "Image description text"
        "Title": "Article title",
        "Description": "Description text",
        "Text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur interdum, nisl quis facilisis sollicitudi, tellus metus fringilla dolor, eu porta libero mauris finibus metus. Quisque pulvinar mattis sagittis.",
        "Author": [{
            "Name": "John Doe",
            "Url": "", 
            "Description": "Author description text",
            "Image": {
                "Src": "",
                "Width": 1500,
                "Height": 844,
                "Alt": "Alt text"

