Standard Objects Structures


    "Image": {
        "Src": "",
        "Width": 1500,
        "Height": 844,
        "Alt": "Alt text",
        "Caption": "Caption text",
        "Description": "Image description text"


This object structure is used in widgets to declare images.


Src [required]

Image file URL.

Width [required]

Image width in px.

Must match the true width of the image linked in Src param.

Height [required]

Image height in px.

Must match the true height of the image linked in Src param.

Alt [optional]

Short text describing the image. Used in search engines.

Caption [optional]

Short caption text.

Can be placed over or below the image.

Description [optional]

Long image description.

Can be placed over or below the image.


    "Author": [{
        "Name": "John Doe",
        "Url": "", 
        "Description": "Author description text",
        "Image": {
            "Src": "",
            "Width": 100,
            "Height": 100,
            "Alt": "Alt text",
        "Name": "John Doe 2",
        "Url": "", 
        "Description": "Author description text",
        "Image": {
            "Src": "",
            "Width": 100,
            "Height": 100,
            "Alt": "Alt text",

Name [required]

Author name, text string.

Url [optional]

Link to the author page (e.g. a list of all articles by this author).

Description [optional]

Short text about author.

Image [optional]

Standard Image object structure to provide author avatar.